Season information: Blastball
BlastBall!® is meant to put FUN back in to the game of Baseball. It is designed to generate fast-paced action, provide recreation and exercise, create enthusiasm and thru simplicity, allow retention of youth participants in the game.
Start Date: Tuesday May 6, 2025
Days of Practice/ Games: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time of play: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
End Date: Thursday June 26, 2025
Opening Day Ceremonies: Saturday May 3 10am Confederation Park. Please see website for details.
Photo night: TBD
Missed photo night TBD
Place: Kinsmen Quad Ball Park #3 (1600 Willowbrook Drive)
Year End Fun Night: June 26, 2025. This night will have fun activities and a ball park dinner for players. If other family members want dinner they can purchase at the concession.
Uniform: Players will receive a team shirt and hat as their uniform. CMBA will provide equipment to each team including balls, catchers gear, and bats.
Players must bring their own glove, and batting helmet. Players must wear a protective cup, sweat pants/athletic pants/baseball pants, but no jeans or shorts are allowed. Players may wear rubber cleats or running shoes.
*Please wash the jersey in cold water at all times*
The teams will rotate through stations that will guide the little athletes through skill instruction on; throwing, hitting, catching, receiving, fielding. The stations are fun and interactive and with the small team sizes, the athletes get a lot of repetition that allows them to develop their skills.
After the teams have rotated through the stations, it is time for a fun game of BlastBall!®! With honking bases, soft bats, and nerf balls the athletes are comfortable and thoroughly enjoy playing a game of BlastBall!®
The players play 2 or 3 "innings" with each athlete hitting off of a tee each inning. When the player hits the ball to the defensive (fielding) team, the hitter runs to the base. When the fielding team cleanly fields the ball they yell "BlastBall!®" while the hitter/runner tries to get to the base and make it "honk" before the defensive team yells "BlastBall!®". Points are earned for defence and offence. If the defensive teams yells "BlastBall!®" first, they get a point. If the runner honks the base first, the offensive team gets a point. Once all hitters have had their turn, the teams switch sides.
Parent participation is mandatory in this division
This year communication will be via email and the Ramp Team app. To download the app go to the app store or google play and find ramp Team app. If this is the first time using the app, you will need to create an account. Please use the email address you used to sign up your child.
Here is to a fantastic 2025 Season